When your new bundle of joy arrives they often get all of the attention! However, it is important to look after both mum and baby during this time so here at Bansel Osteopathy & Holistic Health we are offering new mum and baby sessions. These 90 minute sessions will allow both mum and baby to be seen together (as they often come as a pair!).
OFFER: £99 for an extended 90 minute session for both mum and baby.
Mum and baby follow-up appointments are £99 for 60mins or individual 30min appointments are £59.
A mum & baby session would include the following:
For Mum:
- Consultation of your pregnancy, birth, general health and any specific concerns you would like to discuss.
- Osteopathic assessment of your pelvis, hips, posture and abdominal muscles and treatment session.
- Advice on further treatment, pelvic floor and core stability exercises.
For Baby:
- Osteopathic assessment of baby’s posture and movements, including baby’s reflexes and muscle tone.
- Treatment including gentle massage & cranial osteopathy to stretch areas of the body and help relax baby.
Why would we need to see an osteopath?
There are many reasons why your baby may be unsettled:
Difficult birth / assisted delivery (forceps, ventouse and caesarean)
This can leave tension in your baby’s head which might be more noticeable if there is bruising, but you may also notice that your baby only turns their head in one direction or doesn’t like their head being touched, seems uncomfortable when laying on their back, or simply doesn’t like any clothes going over their head. Cranial Osteopathy can ease this and relieve the tensions that are held in the skull and neck.
They are not relaxed when being held
This is where they arch their back away from you or throw themselves backwards in your arms. They also may not like lying on their back and are generally unsettled. This often means that they are stiff from being compressed during the birthing process. A short session of cranial treatment can help lift this stress.
They prefer the foetal position and often have their legs tucked in
This is the normal position in the womb but as they deliver they should naturally stretch out. However, if labour was very short or a c-section was performed they can remain in this position and prefer the comfort of being in a tight ball. This can cause issues with feeding, reflux and winding. The osteopath can gently stretch them so they naturally unwind themselves to a more relaxed position.
They are unsettled and not sleeping
Birth is a stressful episode and this stress can remain in the tissues of the body for a long period of time afterwards. However, with care and attention this stress can easily be alleviated with cranial techniques and gentle stretching.
Reasons why mum should see an osteopath
Long or difficult birth
This can be just as stressful for mum as it is on baby. Not only can if effect your lower back but it can also leave you with a deep aching sensation all over your body and deep within your tissues. This is mainly due to the stress and effort your body has just gone through. A post-natal massage session can help relieve this and restore healthy energy levels.
Back pain
During pregnancy your lower back and pelvis naturally adapt to the process but the extra strain, for some, can can cause on-going issues after birth. Our trained osteopaths can assess you and offer treatment to ease tensions or use cranial osteopathy where needed.
Breastfeeding issues: latching on
This very common issue is often due to the tightness of the babies jaw and neck, which affect latching and sucking. See our blog
Breastfeeding issues: position
This is the reason why many mothers give up on breastfeeding. Getting the right position can take time and when taking into account tiredness, soreness and time it can be really difficult. Our osteopaths can help you and offer advice on the correct hold for you to prevent back pain and tensions. See our blog
This is usual right? Well it can be, but we are here to help. We can offer you osteo massage, clinical massage, lymphatic massage and assisted stretching to help with stress and re-balance those energy levels.
Cranial Osteopathy for babies and young children
What is Cranial Osteopathy?
Cranial osteopathy is a very gentle, safe, effective and non-manipulative technique which involves the use of light pressure to enable the body to release tensions and strains. Because of the gentle nature of cranial osteopathy it is highly suitable for treating babies and young children and can help address the aches and pains that newborns might struggle to tell you about themselves! The treatment can help soothe and relax your baby so that the natural healing mechanisms are restored and balance is maintained.
Although it’s called ‘cranial’ osteopathy, the technique is directed at the whole body. In this way, it’s a truly holistic form of therapy and suitable for both mum and baby.
What about the rest of the family?
Of course dad can also have a stressful time with a newborn! He might be doing all of the heaving lifting at the moment, put his back out building the new cot or just doing that extra bit around the house! Why not treat him to a massage, an assisted stretching session or osteopathy check up too!