Fascial Release: a hands-on approach to manage pain and discomfort

What is Fascial Release Technique?

Fascial release is a type of soft tissue massage therapy often used to treat pain and reduced mobility caused by sensitivity and tightness in the fascial tissues. These tissues surround and support the muscles throughout your body.

Fascial release treats painful areas by breaking through restrictions and relieving tightness. It increases blood flow and the temperature of soft tissues which can help to reduce pain. It can also help release restrictive fascia such as scar tissue that can limit movement and cause pain.

Fascial release can also used as a effective relaxation technique. It is performed in a slow and precise way, applying gentle pressure into connective tissue and fascia. The slow movements across the skin can stimulate the nervous system which controls emotions and produces feelings of calm.

How does Fascial Release work?

Your therapist will gently massage the fascia and feel for stiff or tightened areas. The therapist will begin massaging and stretching those areas with light manual pressure. The process is repeated multiple times until the therapist feels the tension is fully released.

These areas where the massage therapist is working may not be near where the pain originates or where you feel the pain most prominently. Fascial release works the broader network of muscles that might be causing your pain. It tries to reduce tension throughout your body and across a broad section of your muscular system.

Fascial release increases blood circulation into the soft tissues. An increase of blood flow allows more nutrients to get into the tissues and waste products to be removed. Improved circulation can help fascia adhesions to be alleviated and prevent the fascia system from functioning incorrectly.

When done regularly, you can:

  • Improve your range of movement
  • Reduce pain and muscle soreness
  • Treat headaches, jaw and neck tightness
  • Decrease fascial tension
  • Assist the tissue recovery process
  • Improve circulation and blood flow
  • Release overall tension and stress.

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